Review: Salzburgring 2023 – PSCCE celebrates 75 years of Porsche – Colin Bönighausen dominates weekend
What a fantastic weekend for the PSCCE at the Salzburgring! The classical circuit, situated in the beautiful landscape of the Austrian alps, set the stage for the second round of the 2023 season of the series and was a huge success both on the sportive and the social side.Celebrating the 75th anniversary
Colin Bönighausen with the best time in training
The reigning Sprint Challenge Central Europe champion will be hunting for times this Saturday from 1 p.m. to secure the best starting position for the 3 following races. The Porsche with starting number 75 will start the first race at 3:50 p.m.LIFETIMING: will of course share further impressions with you
Colin Bönighausen back in his championship-winning car at the Salzburgring
It's official - Colin will be driving the Porsche Sprint Challenge Central Europe on June 10 & 11 as part of this year's "75 Years of Porsche" anniversary. The Porsche GT3 CUP takes you to the Salzburgring and thus onto familiar streets.We will of course share further impressions with you on social