
There are so many persons and companies, who helped me becoming a racing driver within the last years, so without their support none of this would have been possible. I´d like to use the “race-free” time to present them to you. Let´s start with: Maxxprosion! Maxxprosion is known for healthy and high-quality sports nutrition. I really appreciate the positive and performance enhancing effect of their products. Maxxprosion is a company specialized in the production and marketing of nutritional products intended mainly for people practicing sports. Maxxprosion is established since 2016 in my hometown Hannover founded by Dr. Gabrielle Hoppe.

Their motto is: We do everything to ensure that you can give your best.

In their limelight there are four decisive factors: focus on the best tolerability of the products, highest quality of the ingredients, an intelligent recipe management and an easy practicability. Moreover, they cooperate with several different athletes and clubs to get a honest feedback and to learn about what sportsmen really need to achieve their aims. Being successful in their business, they decided to give back supporting not only me but several different events like the marathon in Hannover. I am really convinced of the products because it´s a very important factor for all of us to nourish on healthy nutrition.

If you are interested in using your resources more efficiently and healthier, just visit the homepage under There you can find the shop with all these products, very interesting blogs and information about strategies on nutrition, training or mindsets and professional tips for athletes.



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+ (123) 124-567-8901 + (123) 124-567-8901